IONOS Virtual Data Center Building Block

Module that creates a Virtual Data Center in IONOS Cloud and assigns users in meshStack with Project permissions in the newly created Virtual Data Center. You can use it as a self-built platform integration in meshStack.

How to create this Platform Integration in meshStack

  1. Go to your meshStack Admin Area and click on "Platforms > Platforms" from the left pane
  2. Click on "Create Platform"
  3. For Platform Type, click the dropdown and hit "Create new Platform Type"
  4. In this modal, enter a fitting name and identifier for your new IONOS platform
    • For an icon, you can use the file under ./icon.png.
  5. Continue the Platform Creation process.
  6. Next, you will have to create a Building Block that will connect the Terraform and the newly created Platform.
  7. On the left-hand side go to "Marketplace > Building Blocks" and click "Definitions".
  8. Click "Create new Definition" and fill in some general information like name and description.
  9. On the next page, set the following:
    • Supported Platforms -> Pick the Platform Type you created in Step 3.
    • How often assigned -> Once
    • Implementation Type -> Terraform
    • Terraform Version -> 1.5
    • Git Repository URL -> This repository, or, if you fork the code, your own repository
    • Git Repository Path -> other-providers/ionos/virtual-data-center
    • Enter a SSH Key if you are running from a private repository.
    • Enter a known host (if you are running from a self-hosted Git provider)
    • Deletion Mode -> pick "Delete Resources" if you want a tf destroy to run upon deletion in meshStack.
  10. Go to the next page and skip the Dependency selection
  11. For the Inputs, create the following Inputs:
    • IONOS_TOKEN (if you don't use an API token but username & password instead, you can do so as well with IONOS_USERNAME and IONOS_PASSWORD)
      • Set Source -> Static
      • Provide as -> Environment Variable
      • Set the variable to encryped
      • Enter your IONOS API Token as a value
    • Generate the necessary Terraform variables. To do so, at the top right click "Generate Inputs > Load Inputs" and paste in the content from ./
      • Set the workspace_id Source -> Workspace Identifier
      • Set the project_id Source -> Project Identifier
      • Set the users Source -> User Permissions
    • Backend configuration:
      • Select "File" as input type and upload the file.
      • Add related environment variables based on your backend configuration (e.g. client_id and client_secret for azure, SA_ID and SA_EMAIL for GCS)
  12. Go to the next page, which is Outputs, and create the following output:
    • tenant_id
      • Set the Assignment Type -> Platform Tenant ID
  13. Create the new Building Block Definition
  14. As a last step, we have to hook the new Building Block definition into a new landing zone so it will be rolled out on tenant creation.
  15. On the left-hand side navigate to "Platforms > Platforms" and open your newly created IONOS platform.
  16. Go to the Landing Zones tab and click "Create new Landing Zone"
  17. Enter a fitting name, description and tags.
  18. Under "Building Blocks" pick your newly created Building Block Definition and set it to "Mandatory".
  19. Click Save
  20. ✅ Your platform integration is successfully set up and workspaces can now freely book new tenants (Virtual Data Centers) for your platform.


ionoscloud= 6.4.10


No modules.


ionoscloud_datacenter.thisopen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_group.adminopen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_group.editoropen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_group.readeropen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_share.adminopen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_share.editoropen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_share.readeropen in new windowresource
ionoscloud_user.adminsopen in new windowdata source
ionoscloud_user.editorsopen in new windowdata source
ionoscloud_user.readersopen in new windowdata source


dc_descriptionVirtual Data Center descriptionstringn/ayes
dc_locationVirtual Data Center location, e.g. de/fra, de/txl, es/vit, fr/par, gb/lhr, us/ewr, us/las, us/mcistringn/ayes
project_idVirtual Data Center last block in namestringn/ayes
usersUsers and their roles provided by meshStack (Note that users must exist in IONOS)
meshIdentifier = string
username = string
firstName = string
lastName = string
email = string
euid = string
roles = list(string)
workspace_idVirtual Data Center first block in namestringn/ayes



Source code & Installation

The source code of this kit module can be found hereopen in new window

Run the following command to install the kit module:

collie kit import ionos/virtual-data-center