Best Practices

This article is a collection of best practices and inspirations we have collected from practioners working with collie.

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Kit Modules

In addition to the conventions described above, the following practices have proven useful for managing complex landing zones construction projects.

Follow Terraform Conventions

HashiCorp publishes module developement guidelinesopen in new window in the official terraform documentation. These conventions enjoy widespread recognition in the terraform community and simplify collaboration.

Landing zone engineers should pay special attention to the guidelines on standard module structureopen in new window. and module compositionopen in new window to build kit modules.

Additionally, platform teams should consider following a consistent naming conventionopen in new window.

Implementing Documentation

Providing useful documentation for application teams is an essential part of making any platform engineering effort succesful. This is why your kit modules should generate documentation output intended to be read by application teams and other stakeholders like security auditors.

We recommend generating the required documentation_md output variable in your module with a "heredoc" stringopen in new window. Similarly to the standard terraform module structure splitting configuration into and files, we recommend putting your documentation in a separate file. This enables you to quickly find and edit how your kit module generates documentation.

Reusable Modules

Terraform makes a distinction between "root" modules that come with all required provider and backend configurations and reusable modules that are intended to be called from other modules.

Even though kit modules will be invoked 1:1 from platform modules via terragrunt, platform teams should nonetheless design kit modules as reusable modules. Designing kit modules as reusable modules offers many advantages

  • staging: most platform teams want to deploy landing zones to a staging environment to test integration before rolling out core infrastructure changes to production
  • separation of concerns: terragrunt is specifically built to overcome terraform limitations and keep configurations DRYopen in new window. Separating the concerns of defining resources in kit modules and orchestrating terraform executions in platform modules leverages the tools where they are strongest
  • community: reusable modules can be shared more easily with the community - and also more easily adopted to jumpstart your own landing zones

Structuring kit modules

Enabling core infrastructure like virtual networks and audit log collection requires orchestrating resources across different cloud tenants. While it's useful to structure kit modules closely resembling the virtual "anatomy" of the cloud resource hierarchy, most platform teams will find it useful to model higher-level capabilities as well, leveraging patterns like dependency inversionopen in new window and providerconfiguration_aliasesopen in new window .

The following patterns have proven useful in our experience

  • structure kit modules according to capabilities they add to your landing zones
  • kit modules should follow encapsulation, privileges and volatility boundaries, see Module Creation - Recommended Patternopen in new window
  • consider blast radius of kit modules - smaller modules are easier to develop and iterate on due to smaller dependency graph
  • leverage terragrunt dependency to model dependencies between kit modules in favor of terraform_remote_state

Platform Modules

Terragrunt offers many advanced features to keep configuration DRY. However, sometimes a little more repetition is the lesser evil. Terragrunt configurations can get "too clever" quickly, especially when they compose from too many different dynamic configuration sources. We therefore recommend keeping terragrunt trickery to a minimum and stick to basic features like include and dependency for as long as possible.

Managing .terraform.lock.hcl files

Terraform uses .terraform.lock.hcl files to lock dependency versionsopen in new window of providers and modules. If members of your cloud foundation team run a variety of operating systems and CPU architectures managing these locks in a way that members of your team won't see depency locking issues can be very cumbersomeopen in new window.

One important trick is to make sure that lock files contain entries for all OS and cpu architectures used in your team. This can be accomplished by running terraform providers lock across all your platform modules.

 collie foundation deploy my-foundation -- providers lock -platform=darwin_amd64 -platform=linux_amd64 -platform=darwin_arm64

Edit the -platform commands as appropriate. Don't forget committing the resulting lock file updates back to your repository to share with your team.